When you book direct at www.makatidiamond.com, you're guaranteed to get the best price online. If you find a better price within 24 hours of receiving your booking confirmation, we promise to match qualified rates and give you and additional 10% discount.*
When you book direct at www.makatidiamond.com, you're guaranteed to get the best price online. If you find a better price within 24 hours of receiving your booking confirmation, we promise to match qualified rates and give you and additional 10% discount.*
Find a better price online versus your booking.
Step 2
Secure a link and screenshot of the offer.
Step 3
Fill up the claim form and await verification
Step 4
Qualified submissions will be entitled to a rate adjustment reflecting the lower rate with an additional 10% discount.
Find a better price online versus your booking.
Step 2
Secure a link and screenshot of the offer.
Step 3
Fill up the claim form and await verification
Step 4
Qualified submissions will be entitled to a rate adjustment reflecting the lower rate with an additional 10% discount.
Makati Diamond Residences
118 Legazpi Street, Legazpi Village, Makati City, Philippines 1229
+632 5317 0999 and +632 8878 9699 • reservations@makatidiamond.com
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